Thursday, May 30, 2024

A Nice Start to the Day

The temperature was in the 60s this morning. I enjoyed opening the garage door and doing my workout in the fresh air.  

Today's workout incorporated light weights (12 pounds each) for strength moves and bodyweight cardio moves.

I followed this with my favorite chocolate banana smoothie.

I tweaked this recipe a bit.  It had ...

3 tablespoons of almond butter

1 cup almond milk

1/2 cup riced frozen cauliflower

1 frozen banana

1 tablespoon cocoa powder

Dash of vanilla

Topped with raw cocoa nibs

This yields about 15 grams of protein.  The muffins had 5 grams each, so that gets you to the desired 25-30/meal for adults.

Before any of this, I spent some time in I Chronicles. I was reading about David's mighty men. They were his top warriors, and each one had a strong loyalty to David (Joab's loyalty was unconventional). How much stronger should my loyalty be to God? 

Friday, May 24, 2024

It's Been Awhile

Time has gotten away from me.  It's planting season, and when you're in the agricultural industry, planting season and harvest are the two busiest times of the year.  Anyway, enough excuses.

Today's workout was upper body.  I did two rounds of the following ...

Pull ups

Dumbbell rows

Dumbbell chest presses (use a loop band wrapped around your back to make it harder)


Overhead presses


Tricep extensions

This was followed by one set of ...

Lateral biased rows


Reverse fly


Tricep extensions

Movement is a gift of God and we ought to use it.  If you're looking at these exercises and thinking "I can't do that," just remember that you can modify any of these moves to fit your needs. Grab a light resistance band or some soup cans and just do what you can.

Or skip this entirely and just take a walk.  Walking is an amazing form of exercise, if not the best.

Sandra introduced me to a new running app called Just Run.  It's not fancy at all.  It simply gets you moving and works you up to the point where you can run 3 miles or 30 minutes without stopping. I was already to that point, but I enjoy having an app to shake things up for me.  

I was reading in I Chronicles chapter 1 and 2 today.  It's not the most exciting part of the Bible, but I was reminded of the fact that Joab, David's captain, was the cousin of Amasa. If you recall, David tried to replace Joab with Amasa, but Joab killed Amasa. 

The human heart is a wicked thing, and it can't be trusted.  My heart isn't any better than Joab's. I need to stay close to God, because I have the same selfish, prideful heart as Joab. By the way, life didn't go well for Joab. 

First of More Cool Mornings to Come

"The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou givest them their meat in due season."  Psalm 145:15 We are completely dependent upon th...