Friday, June 23, 2023

I'm of a Different Spirit

After the Samaritans refused to lodge Jesus because He was on His way to Jerusalem, the disciples asked the Lord if He would like them to call down fire from heaven and destroy them!

Jesus' reply was the opposite to what my flesh usually wants to do to the opposition.  The Lord said, 

"Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.  For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them."  Luke 9:55, 56

It's easy for me to get upset when people oppose the things of God, but I must remember that the Lord is seeking to save people, not destroy them.  This is the dispensation of grace.  This is the age in which the Lord is calling out for all men to be saved - whoever will believe.

Am I quick to get angry at people, or am I quick to have compassion on them?

Am I quick to condemn, or am I quick to seek redemption for others?

The Spirit of Christ lives inside me; He lives inside of you if you are saved.  This Spirit is opposite to the wicked spirit of man.  This Spirit is holy, just, patient, righteous, compassionate, loving, merciful, longsuffering.  

I need to let the Spirit of Christ control my response toward others, not the spirit of Chris Bickish.

Slow Run, Sprints to Finish


Today was a 20 minute slower paced run followed by 8 minutes of sprints.  I sprinted for 30 seconds and walked for 1 minute for the last 8 minutes.

It felt great!  The morning was cool, and the sky was mostly clear.  This start to the day helped me get my steps!

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The Faithful Cobb Salad

I really enjoy salads, because they are such a handy way to get those much needed vegetables.

For dinner, Sandra made some cobb salads that included the following:

Mixed Greens, Radishes, Cucumber, Marinated Chickpeas (she used Italian dressing), Tomatoes, Hardboiled Eggs, Corn, Shredded Mozzarella, and Pepperoncini

Sandra tried something new and roasted coconut shavings in liquid smoke, maple syrup, and soy sauce.  They were supposed to resemble bacon bits.  I didn't think they did; however, they were delightful!

The eggs, chickpeas and mozzarella provide protein.  The corn gives you some whole grain, and all the veggies provide much needed vitamins and minerals.

It was REALLY good!  I'll be having another one for lunch tomorrow.  🍅🌿Give it a try!

Giant Lego Robot in the MOA

The week before last, I was on a business trip in Eagan, MN.  While there, a co-worker and I decided to visit the Mall of America, walk around, and find some dinner.

We stumbled upon this very tall Lego robot.  I'm guessing it was over 20'.  I can't imagine the number of bricks that it took to make this thing!  Ridiculous.

Other than this robot, the MOA had nothing much to offer except lots of weird people and loud noises.

Oh, we did find some very good Greek food.

Greek salad, chicken kabob, Greek rice, roasted potato, pita bread and tzatziki.  Mmmmm!!

Monday, June 19, 2023

Diabetes Dan

Back in May, Sandra and I got new glasses.  From the get-go, mine seemed a little off.

I tried to get used to them for about 2 weeks, and then I decided that it was time to go back into the eye doctor and ask for help.

An employee, we'll call him Diabetes Dan (for reasons soon to be disclosed), sat down to "help" me.

"You're wearing your glasses too low on your nose," he said.  "Ok," I replied.  He grabbed the glasses and "adjusted" the nose bridge so that the glasses sat higher on my face while digging into my nose.  

"How's that?" he demanded.  "No better," I replied.  Frustrated, he took the glasses to check the prescription.  He soon returned.  "These are correct according to the doctor's prescription," he said.  "Ok," I replied.

"What kind of trouble are you having?" he said.  "The left eye is blurry, but my right eye is fine," I replied.

The florescent lighting shown on his bald head as he starred me down.  "Do you have any history of diabetes?" He demanded.  "Nope.  I'm perfectly healthy."  He looked unconvinced.  "What you are describing to me sounds like diabetes."  I think he wanted rid of me.  I answered, "Then, why are my old glasses not blurry in the left eye?"  I wanted to ask him if some glasses are prone to diabetes while others are not, but I didn't.

Aggravated, he squirmed in his chair.  I noticed the divers symbol on the necklace that he wore, and I figured that he was likely wishing that he could drown me.

"Here."  He handed me my glasses.  "Try them for a bit longer, if they still don't work, we'll get you a re-exam."  I thanked him and left.

Today, I went back for a re-exam, and who should sit down to help me?  You guessed it, Diabetes Dan.

I told him why I was there ... Again.  He asked me what kind of trouble I was having ... Again.  

I told him ... Again.  Wanna know what he said next?  Yep ... "Do you have any history of diabetes?"  

By this time, I was ready to drown myself.  Again, I stated the situation of my health with as much fervor as I could without strangling him.

Frustrated, he snatched up my glasses and went to "check" the prescription.  Once more, he proclaimed their supreme accuracy, and then proceeded to tell me how the doctor can only prescribe based upon the input that I give him.

"I know."  I said.  "I'm not denying that I may have told him wrong during the exam.  That's why I'm here."  

Finally, a helpful person showed up.  She took my glasses and disappeared for a moment.  Soon, she returned and declared that the lenses had not been crafted completely accurately.

I guess diabetes doesn't come with certain glasses after all 😉

A Wise Old Bird

"There was a wise old owl who lived in an oak.  The more he saw, the less he spoke.  The less he spoke, the more he heard.  Why can't I be like that wise old bird?"

James said, "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God."

My mouth gets me into trouble.  Does yours?  The older I become, the more I become aware of the need to listen, evaluate, and then speak.  Just when I feel like getting angry and saying something is usually just when I need to hold my tongue and pray about what to say or do.

Too often, my human anger does not work the righteousness of God.  I need to be more like that wise old owl who spoke less and heard more.

Too often, I misjudge people or situations.  I assume one thing is true, when, in fact, it is not.  Quiet observation and righteous judgment are great qualities, and I want more of them.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Finding Healthy Away from Home

This week, I have been in Eagan, MN on a business trip.

Not far from my room, I found this nice park trail to walk or run. 

Thankfully, there are sidewalks leading from the motel, and they offer a good running space.

A mile away, I discovered a restaurant that has a healthy option. Well, I should say that Sandra discovered it by researching it for me in advance 😊

They serve a bowl with quinoa, broccoli, sweet potato, hummus and cucumber, all in a yogurt harissa dressing. It was fantastic.

I'm thankful for healthy options on the road, but I'm ready to go home to my dear wife and her cooking.

Saturday Run Day

We arose around 7 and made our way to our favorite Bowling Green Park - The Loops at Lover's Lane.  This is a large park with a 1.6 mile...