Monday, September 19, 2022

Beans and Fruit?

 Smoothies are one of my favorite breakfast meals.

Being fast, simple, and easily made healthy, they are a great choice for the health-conscious person who is in need of a quick breakfast (or lunch, or dinner for that matter 😀).

Smoothies can have one problem ... They often do not have enough protein.

Because of all the extra trashy ingredients and sugars, I'm not a fan of protein powders; and, plant-based protein powders, (while healthy) are often expensive.  That's where beans come in ...

Make yourself some black, pinto, navy, or kidney beans.  Thaw them the night before (or use canned if you're not into making beans).

And, when you're ready for that smoothie, throw them in.  One cup of kidney beans has about 40 grams of protein, so you can see how it doesn't take much to get a healthy dose of protein by using them.  Plus beans have iron and fiber, so what's not to love about them?

I know what you're thinking.  "Beans in a smoothie?!  Yuck!."  Trust me, if you add the proper ingredients, you'll never know.

Here's what I made this morning ...

Sunrise Bean and Fruit Smoothie

1 cup orange juice

1 tbs ground flax seed

1/2 cup red beans

1/2 cup frozen strawberries

1/2 cup frozen peaches

1/2 cup frozen cauliflower (riced)

1/2 frozen banana

Optional: 1 medjool date or 1 tbs maple syrup

Not only is it delicious, it's a cancer fighter!!

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