Saturday, September 9, 2023

7 Mile Saturday

Today was men's prayer breakfast at our church.  It begins at 7 AM.  Sandra came with me and did some reading in the car while waiting for me.

Afterward, we went to a local Greenway and walked a beautiful path that winds its way through the woods, under roads, and around quaint neighborhoods.  

The trail is 3.5 miles one-way, so this made the walk 7 miles.  We definitely got our steps for today!

We RARELY take an afternoon nap, because napping makes sleeping in the evening more difficult, but today was a nap day!

One of the young men in our church gave a message from Hebrews 11:19.  He focused on this phrase, "...Accounting that God was able... ."  As an accountant adds up all the numbers and arrives at a definite sum, Abraham had added up the facts that he had concerning God's nature.  His conclusion was God is able.

In Abraham's case, he believed that God could raise Isaac his son from the dead if needed.  The young man brought out the fact that the Bible doesn't mention a resurrection prior to this event.  As far as we know, Abraham didn't have a previous resurrection event from which to draw courage concerning God's ability; yet, Abraham new that God can do anything, and that He could raise the dead if He wanted to.

What challenge are you facing?  Remember, God is able.  The storms of life are many and rough.  We cannot see how things will work out, but we can, by faith, see that God is able.  We just need to do right and trust Him Who can do the impossible.

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Saturday Run Day

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