Monday, June 17, 2024

A Simple Day ... Simple Thought

Today began with a lower body workout.  I did 3 sets of the following with minimal rest between moves.

- Walking Lunges (12/side)

- Box Jumps (10)

- Suitcase Squats (8)

- Bulgarian Split-Squats (8/leg)

- Goblet Squats (10)

I did 3 rounds of these moves with 1 minute of rest between rounds.

I warmed up for 5 minutes first and cooled down for 5 minutes afterwards.  That is very important, especially when you aren't 20 anymore!

The rest of the day was spent answering questions about machinery and helping co-workers get their projects up and running while studying for Fuel Diagnostic classes that I have to teach this week.

While preparing for Sunday School last week, I reviewed Psalm 112.  I was encouraged by this Psalm.  I had memorized this Psalm in the past, so I decided to review and re-memorize it.  The man who lives in God's righteousness is a blessed individual.

I have committed the first 2 verses to memory.

"Praise ye the LORD.  Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in His commandments.

His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed."

Simple thought ... I am grateful for God's righteousness that has been imparted to me through faith in Jesus Christ the Righteous.

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