Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Psalm 112, Strength/Cardio Mix, and Tracking Down Electrical Issues

"Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.

A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion."  

Psalm 112:4, 5

No matter how dark life gets, I will always have the light of Christ in my life.  Because my God is gracious, I want to choose gracious behavior.  Because my God is full of compassion, I want to choose an attitude of compassion.  Because my God is upright, I want to be upright, even though uprightness is becoming less popular (even in professing Christian circles).

I appreciate the instruction and encouragement of these verses.  It's good to lend and share what God has given to me.  Putting others first and being generous are great antidotes for bitterness and selfishness.

Today's workout routine consisted of a run that mixed strength and cardio.  I started off with a 3-minute warmup session and then performed 8 pullups.  

I followed this with a 12-minute run after which I did 20 pushups and 20 air squats.

I followed this with another 12-minute run and then did 20 more pushups, 10 chin-ups and 15 crunches.

After all that, I did a 5-minute cooldown session.

My work took me to a tractor far out in the middle of nowhere.  I followed the GPS on my phone to the "edge of forever" and then turned left into a hay field.  After 2 hours of testing, I found a power wire that had high resistance somewhere in the harness.  Solution?  Replace the harness.  By the time you spend the labor to expose and test the harness, you may as well replace the whole thing.

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