Monday, August 12, 2024

A Favorite Cereal

I enjoy a good cereal to fill in the missing calories when I'm having a breakfast smoothie.  The problem is, most standard cereals are packed with added sugar.  For instance, Cocoa Puffs and Honey Nut Cheerios both have 12g (3 sugar cubes) per 1 cup of cereal, and I suspect that is on the low end if you examined some of the other cereals that are available.  

Sandra and I also eat gluten-free, so finding a healthy cereal can be a challenge.  Recently, we came across Seven Sundays brand cereal.

With real ingredients like sunflower protein, dates, etc., this GF cereal is both tasty and fairly healthy.  It has 1g of added sugar and 5g total (dates make up the other 4g).  Fiber is 3g/serving.  Not bad, and protein is at 5g/serving.  It's only 170 calories per cup, so it makes a perfect filler for a breakfast that needs "just a bit more."  It's also a great snack.  I like the cocoa flavor best, but the cinnamon is nothing to turn your nose up at.  

We try to get 25-30g of protein per meal and 5g of fiber per meal, so little wins like this cereal help!

Perfect Morning to Run

 The thermometer hovered around 62F this morning.  That's good running weather for August if you ask me!  After numerous mornings of "feels like" 85F, I was lovin' my cool morning run 🏃

I did 3 miles this morning, but my tracker didn't pick up the whole thing, so it showed up as 2.76 miles.  

This verse stood out to me as I read my Bible the other morning ...

"He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich."  

Proverbs 21:17

Living above one's means and "having it all now" are common themes in today's society.  People can't stand to miss a pleasure or forego a luxury.  Credit card companies are loving the money made from all the debt that's being racked up on credit cards.

Have you heard the saying, "He has money because he doesn't blow money"?  This verse reminds us all to be content and to live within our means.  I don't need to have a new pleasure every day.  I don't need what my neighbor has.  So many people are running around acting rich and "buying" things, but it's so superficial because they can't afford what they are buying and they don't even own it truly.  

Live simply, expect less, give much.  God is good, and He supplies my every need.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Lessons in Waiting

Sandra and I have been listening to the same audiobook that deals with the subject of waiting upon the Lord.

The book mentions Psalm 40:1.

"I waited patiently for the LORD; and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry."  I like how David arranged the wording of his prayer.  He doubled the Hebrew word for "waited" by coupling both the verb and infinitive forms together so that the idea is this ...

"I waited ... and waited ... and waited for the LORD ... ."  David was deeply focused upon his God Who he knew would not fail him.  What happened?  God was inclined toward David and heard him!

If you're a child of Christ who's going through a tough time of trial and waiting, don't be discouraged.  Keep seeking God.  Keep looking to Him.  Keep waiting on Him.  Keep letting Him grow your spiritual "muscles."  Keep letting Him make you more like Jesus.

Exercise this morning was a series of bodyweight moves.  I worked 40 seconds and rested 20.  This is a common time interval for me.  They say that 40-45 seconds of time under tension is optimal for muscle growth and strengthening.  The circuits consisted of pushups, single-leg squats, bodyweight rows, pull-ups, lunges, sit-ups, crow-pose (hand-stand with knees on elbows), and jump squats.

Sandra made an amazing dinner of pork noodle stir-fry with veggies.  Delish!!

First of More Cool Mornings to Come

"The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou givest them their meat in due season."  Psalm 145:15 We are completely dependent upon th...