Monday, August 12, 2024

A Favorite Cereal

I enjoy a good cereal to fill in the missing calories when I'm having a breakfast smoothie.  The problem is, most standard cereals are packed with added sugar.  For instance, Cocoa Puffs and Honey Nut Cheerios both have 12g (3 sugar cubes) per 1 cup of cereal, and I suspect that is on the low end if you examined some of the other cereals that are available.  

Sandra and I also eat gluten-free, so finding a healthy cereal can be a challenge.  Recently, we came across Seven Sundays brand cereal.

With real ingredients like sunflower protein, dates, etc., this GF cereal is both tasty and fairly healthy.  It has 1g of added sugar and 5g total (dates make up the other 4g).  Fiber is 3g/serving.  Not bad, and protein is at 5g/serving.  It's only 170 calories per cup, so it makes a perfect filler for a breakfast that needs "just a bit more."  It's also a great snack.  I like the cocoa flavor best, but the cinnamon is nothing to turn your nose up at.  

We try to get 25-30g of protein per meal and 5g of fiber per meal, so little wins like this cereal help!

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