Monday, August 12, 2024

Perfect Morning to Run

 The thermometer hovered around 62F this morning.  That's good running weather for August if you ask me!  After numerous mornings of "feels like" 85F, I was lovin' my cool morning run 🏃

I did 3 miles this morning, but my tracker didn't pick up the whole thing, so it showed up as 2.76 miles.  

This verse stood out to me as I read my Bible the other morning ...

"He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich."  

Proverbs 21:17

Living above one's means and "having it all now" are common themes in today's society.  People can't stand to miss a pleasure or forego a luxury.  Credit card companies are loving the money made from all the debt that's being racked up on credit cards.

Have you heard the saying, "He has money because he doesn't blow money"?  This verse reminds us all to be content and to live within our means.  I don't need to have a new pleasure every day.  I don't need what my neighbor has.  So many people are running around acting rich and "buying" things, but it's so superficial because they can't afford what they are buying and they don't even own it truly.  

Live simply, expect less, give much.  God is good, and He supplies my every need.

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