Thursday, August 8, 2024

Lessons in Waiting

Sandra and I have been listening to the same audiobook that deals with the subject of waiting upon the Lord.

The book mentions Psalm 40:1.

"I waited patiently for the LORD; and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry."  I like how David arranged the wording of his prayer.  He doubled the Hebrew word for "waited" by coupling both the verb and infinitive forms together so that the idea is this ...

"I waited ... and waited ... and waited for the LORD ... ."  David was deeply focused upon his God Who he knew would not fail him.  What happened?  God was inclined toward David and heard him!

If you're a child of Christ who's going through a tough time of trial and waiting, don't be discouraged.  Keep seeking God.  Keep looking to Him.  Keep waiting on Him.  Keep letting Him grow your spiritual "muscles."  Keep letting Him make you more like Jesus.

Exercise this morning was a series of bodyweight moves.  I worked 40 seconds and rested 20.  This is a common time interval for me.  They say that 40-45 seconds of time under tension is optimal for muscle growth and strengthening.  The circuits consisted of pushups, single-leg squats, bodyweight rows, pull-ups, lunges, sit-ups, crow-pose (hand-stand with knees on elbows), and jump squats.

Sandra made an amazing dinner of pork noodle stir-fry with veggies.  Delish!!

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