Tuesday, September 3, 2024

First of More Cool Mornings to Come

"The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou givest them their meat in due season."  Psalm 145:15

We are completely dependent upon the Lord for everything.  I'm grateful for the cool breezes that He sends our way, especially after months of heat and humidity.

Fall isn't here yet, but the cool morning and dryer air today tells me it's not far away 🍂🍁

Sandra and I were able to open up the garage and do our workouts with a refreshing and cool breeze blowing through the space.

Today was leg-day. 

3 sets of each move for 12 repetitions

Walking Lunges with Dumbbells

Romanian Dead-lift

Box Jumps

Bulgarian Split Squat (8/side)

Goblet Squats

On the last set of Goblet Squats, I did a jump squat every other squat move.  I used a 25-pound weight.

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First of More Cool Mornings to Come

"The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou givest them their meat in due season."  Psalm 145:15 We are completely dependent upon th...